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A new set of approximations to the standard TEOS-10 equation of state are presented. These follow a polynomial form, making it computationally efficient for use in numerical ocean models. Two versions are provided, the first being a fit of density for Boussinesq ocean models, and the second fitting specific volume which is more suitable for compressible models. Both versions are given as the sum of a vertical reference profile (6th-order polynomial) and an anomaly (52-term polynomial, cubic in pressure), with relative errors of ∼0.1% on the thermal expansion coefficients. A 75-term polynomial expression is also presented for computing specific volume, with a better accuracy than the existing TEOS-10 48-term rational approximation, especially regarding the sound speed, and it is suggested that this expression represents a valuable approximation of the TEOS-10 equation of state for hydrographic data analysis. In the last section, practical aspects about the implementation of TEOS-10 in ocean models are discussed.  相似文献   
Breaking wave induced nearsurface turbulence has important consequences for many physical and biochemical processes including water column and nutrients mixing,heat and gases exchange across air-sea interface.The energy loss from wave breaking and the bubble plume penetration depth are estimated.As a consequence,the vertical distribution of the turbulent kinetic energy(TKE),the TKE dissipation rate and the eddy viscosity induced by wave breaking are also provided.It is indicated that model results are found to be consistent with the observational evidence that most TKE generated by wave breaking is lost within a depth of a few meters near the sea surface.High turbulence level with intensities of eddy viscosity induced by breaking is nearly four orders larger than υwl(=κuwz),the value predicted for the wall layer scaling close to the surface,where uw is the friction velocity in water,κ with 0.4 is the von Kármán constant,and z is the water depth,and the strength of the eddy viscosity depends both on wind speed and sea state,and decays rapidly through the depth.This leads to the conclusion that the breaking wave induced vertical mixing is mainly limited to the near surface layer,well above the classical values expected from the similarity theory.Deeper down,however,the effects of wave breaking on the vertical mixing become less important.  相似文献   
The seasonal variability of tropical cyclones (CTCs) generated over the South China Sea (SCS) from 1948 to 2003 is analyzed. It peaks in occurrence in August and few generate in late winter (from January to March). The seasonal activity is attributed to the variability of atmosphere and ocean environments associated with the monsoon system. It is found that the monsoonal characteristics of the SCS basically determine the region of tropical cyclone (TC) genesis in each month.  相似文献   
夏季西北太平洋台风生成数的敏感性因子   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了台风生成参数中各因子与西北太平洋7-9月台风生成数(WNPSTYN)的相关关系,也比较各因子在北半球台风主要源区的纬向距平分布特征,发现涡度因子与WNPSTYN的关系最好,在台风生成条件中相对富有但不特别富足的特性决定了其是WNPSTYN年际变化的敏感性因子.同时还分析了西北太平洋关键区涡度因子年际变化的来源和表征台风生成数的优越性,发现关键区涡度因子年际变化与南方涛动、南极涛动和澳洲东部高度场的年际变化有关,体现了南半球两大系统和ENSO对WNPSTYN的影响;涡度因子与WNPSTYN的显著相关区与台风生成源地集中区一致,表征台风年际变化有明显的优越性.这些特性对关于WNPSTYN的影响机制研究和气候模式模拟有非常重要的意义.  相似文献   
台风内部的中尺度波动与多边形眼墙的形成   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
用小波变换分析了1948~2003年南海夏季风强度指数序列振荡特征,并研究了Lanczos滤波器滤出的不同时间尺度上南海夏季风强度与SODA资料提供的海洋热力条件的关系。结果表明,南海夏季风强度变化存在准4年的年际变化、约9年周期的十年际变化和38年左右周期的年代际变化。年际变化最强,年代际变化最弱。不同尺度上的南海夏季风强度变化与海洋热力条件的显著相关区有很大的地域差异。南海夏季风强度的年际变化主要与近赤道地区的热带海洋变化有关,相关关系呈准2年变化。若前一年秋冬季节的赤道东印度洋、赤道西太平洋出现海温和温跃层深度正异常和赤道西印度洋、赤道中东太平洋出现海温和温跃层深度负异常时,对应于当年的年际尺度上的南海夏季风加强;反之则减弱。南海夏季风强度与后期海温的对应关系为:南海夏季风加强,秋季时,南海周边海区和澳大利亚东部海区海温显著负相关;冬季时,热带西印度洋、赤道中东太平洋和赤道大西洋海温出现显著的正相关。南海夏季风强度的年代变化受PDO的调制。年代际尺度上南海夏季风强度的变化即与全球变暖有关,也与PDO有关。  相似文献   
本文利用ERA5 1979-2019年逐月大气再分析资料计算南北印度洋热带气旋生成指数,并和IBTrACS观测数据进行比较,探讨用热带气旋生成指数研究南北印度洋热带气旋变化特征的适用性.研究发现热带气旋生成指数能较好地刻画南北印度洋热带气旋的空间分布特征、北印度洋热带气旋个数月变化的双峰结构,以及南印度洋比北印度洋热带气旋发生概率高等特征.最新的IBTrACS v4.0观测资料显示,40年来北印度洋热带气旋每年总生成个数平均每10年增加1.3个,频数的增加主要来源于热带低压和热带风暴,而南印度洋热带气旋每年总生成个数每10年减少2.8个.热带气旋生成指数能很好地描述北印度洋热带气旋生成个数的上升趋势,但对南印度洋热带气旋生成个数趋势的刻画与观测不一致,可能原因需要进一步深入研究.  相似文献   
The oscillation characteristics of 1948 - 2003 South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon intensity (SCSSMI) is analyzed by wavelet transform and the relationship between SCSSMI filtered by Lanczos filter at different time scale and oceanic thermal conditions is studied. The results show that SCSSMI exhibits dominant interannual (about 4 a), decadal (about 9 a) and interdecadal (about 38 a) oscillation periods. The interannual variation is the strongest and the interdecadal variation the weakest. The region of significant correlation between SCS summer monsoon intensity and oceanic thermodynamic variables at different time scale is greatly different. Significant correlation area of interannual variation of SCSSMI is concentrated in near equatorial region. Corresponding correlation displays quasi-biannual variability. If positive anomalies of SST and the depth of thermocline happen in eastern equatorial Indian Ocean and western equatorial Pacific, and negative anomalies of SST and the depth of thermocline happen in western equatorial Indian Ocean and eastern equatorial Pacific in previous autumn and winter, the interannual variation of SCSSMI will enhance. If the condition is contrary, interannual variation of SCSSMI will weaken. The interannual variation of SCSSMI will influence SST. The region surrounding SCS and east of Australia shows significantly negative correlation in autumn, and significantly positive correlation exhibits in west equatorial Indian Ocean, eastern equatorial Pacific and equatorial Atlantic in winter. The decadal variation of SCSSMI is modulated by PDO. Interdecadal variation of SCSSMI is relevant to the global warming and PDO.  相似文献   
采用中国科学院南海海洋研究所2008年建设的,西沙海洋观测研究站上的自动气象站实测数据,对亚太数据研究中心提供的近实时QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料(2008年4月6日—12月31日)进行了检验和统计特征分析,得出:这两者风速的相关系数为0.86,平均偏差为-1.50 m/s,均方根误差为1.71 m/s,表明QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场资料在南海具有很高的适用性。在此基础上,利用QuikSCAT卫星遥感的月平均风场资料分析了南海月平均风场特征。结果表明:(1)南海季风10月到次年3月盛行东北风,6—8月盛行西南风,4、5、9月为季风转换季节;(2)存在两个平均风速大值中心,一个位于南海南部(10°N,108°E)附近,另一个位于台湾海峡附近,其位置和强度会随着季节变化而变动。  相似文献   
基于全球集合预报系统(GEFS)资料,利用WRF中尺度模式及GEFS动力降尺度获取区域集合预报初值场,通过对同化后的分析场进行模式积分实现华南前汛期区域集合预报。对2019年6月10日的一次华南前汛期暴雨过程进行不同同化方案的试验:混合同化(Hybrid)、三维变分(3Dvar)、集合卡尔曼滤波(EnKF)和对比试验(Ctrl)四组试验的对比分析,探讨具有不同背景误差协方差矩阵的同化方案对区域集合预报集合扰动和集合离散随时间演变特征的影响,评估不同试验的降水模拟效果。(1) Hybrid对模式初始场有较好的改善作用,而3DVar和EnKF对初始场的改善作用不明显。(2) 对风场、温度场和湿度场,在前期预报中Hybrid的预报误差小于3DVar和EnKF,在中后期的预报中,3DVar和EnKF的预报误差得到改善,且好于Hybrid。同样,集合扰动能量,Hybrid和Ctrl在前期预报发展好于3DVar和EnKF,而在中后期的预报3DVar和EnKF好于Hybrid和Ctrl。(3) 从24 h累积降水评分中,整体上同化试验好于Ctrl,3DVar和EnKF好于Hybrid,且3DVar对大中雨级别的降水评分较好,而EnKF对暴雨以上级别的降水评分较好。(4) 对于集合统计检验分析,同化试验的AUC值都大于Ctrl的AUC值,24 h累积降水量阈值在10~100 mm的AUC值,3DVar最好;而125 mm阈值的AUC值,EnKF最好。   相似文献   
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